Railfan HQ

LIVE TrainsSouthwest Railcams


Overall Rating: B

Video Quality: B+

Audio Quality: A

Number of Cams: B

Cost: A+

LIVE Trains is a free railcam provider thru Youtube and their website, covering the American Midwest, with cameras in Texas and Missouri.

Video Quality: LIVE Trains operates 6 cameras at 1080P, and two cameras at 2160P (4K). Video streaming is smooth, althought the St. Louis camera has a tendency to be horribly choppy.

Audio Quality: The sound from the LIVE Trains cams is good, with depth. You can feel the bass sound of the engines as they go by


 Camera Locations/Cost: LIVE Trains has 7 railcams, at 4 locations, with one location having 3 cameras, and one two. One St. Louis cam is down due to broadband issues. The feeds are free, and they accept donations via Paypal.


Social Media: N/A