Railfan HQ

Tehachapi Live Train CamsTehachapi Loop


Overall Rating: A

Video Quality: A

Audio Quality: B

Number of Cams: 5

Cost: A+

Tehachapi Live Train Cams is a Youtube based railcam provider, with 5 cameras covering the UP's line between Bakersfield and Mojave CA, including the famous Tehachapi Loop. It is a free service.

Video Quality: Tehachapi cameras operate at the following resolutions:

Tehachapi Loop - 1080P

Tehachapi Depot - 720P

Cable - 2160P (4K)

Giumarra Vineyards - 2160P (4K)

Mohave - 1440P

   The Loop camera operates by battery, and I suspect the upload is via satellite internet. All cameras are PTZ, and stream smoothly.

Audio Quality: The sound from the Tehachapi cams is adequate, but without depth. The only trackside camera is the Depot, so that one has the best sound.


 Cost: Free


Additional Notes: They have a drone from which they occasionally broadcast live video.


Social Media: They have a Facebook page